Getting Around
Find information on transportation and parking in the City of Mobile.

Mobile Airport Authority
Find informartion of air travel from The Mobile Airport Authority - new featuring limited flights from the Downtown Airport.

The Wave Transit System
WAVE Transit provides bus and transportation for the City of Mobile. Find more information, including routes and schedules.

Alabama State Port Authority
Find information on one of the Gulf Coasts fastest growing ports.

Downtown Parking
Parking in Downtown Mobile is convenient and generally affordable. On-street parking is available for many of downtown's businesses and attractions. On certain streets, parking is free, with a two hour limit. The remaining metered parking is $1.00/hour. Additionally the city is served by several public parking decks and numerous privately operated surface lots. Rates vary.

Parking Information
Parking in downtown Mobile just got easier. Republic Parking System, in partnership with the City of Mobile, has implementing a state-of- the- art parking system in downtown.
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