Real Estate
3200 Moffett Rd, Key number 841780

Offering Summary | The City of Mobile (City) owns a parcel of real property at 3200 Moffett Road, Mobile, AL 36607. The property is currently vacant. Parcel No.: R022908182001002. Key No.: 00841780. The City of Mobile seeks bids for $380,000 OR BEST OFFER (OBO) to purchase the Site. |
Property Location | The subject property location is in the City of Mobile, AL, with the primary frontage along Moffett Road (a major east-west commuter thoroughfare) at Western Drive. It is a short distance east of I-65. Neighboring properties are zoned I-1 and nearby properties are B-3. The site is not within a flood zone. There are no wetlands on the Site. |
Site / Zoning | 0.85+ acres / Currently zoned I-1 (Light Industry) |
Utilities | Existing utilities on site include Alabama Power (electrical), Spire Energy (natural gas) and Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (water and sanitary sewer). No warranty has been made regarding the exact location or capacities of public utility systems. |
Pricing | The property is to be sold OBO “as is, where is.” Bids are currently being accepted with the bid period extending from May 19, 2023 until June 21, 2023 with the deadline being 2:00pm (CST) on June 21, 2023. The property is appraised for $380,000; an award may be made to the highest responsible and responsive bidder. The City of Mobile reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All closing costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Broker fees will be paid by the buyer – line item included on the respondent form attached. |
Existing Survey | Deed Restrictions | Utilities to Site | Floodplain | ROW/Traffic | Environmental |
LOCATION: 3200 Moffett Rd, Key number 841780
Lot 1 Moffett Western S/D MBK 135/33
The Site is a total of 0.85+ acres, or 36,699+ square feet. There are no improvements on the Site. The Site was previously occupied by the Gus Rehm Fire Station, which has been demolished. The site is level and has access to all utilities.
The development of the Site shall comply with all City of Mobile Planning/Zoning, Engineering/ Right of Way, Permitting/ Building Code and other requirements. The selected Respondent will be responsible for the rezoning of this parcel if desired.
The information below is for informational purposes only and in no way should be used, without further inspection, to construct a response to this RFB.
- The Property is being sold “as-is, where-is.” No warranties or representations of any kind are being made by the City of Mobile, its agents or assigns.
- The site has been determined to not be in a flood zone.
- All major public utilities can be made available to the site. Respondents will be responsible for verifying available utilities and their locations. Respondents will be responsible for conducting their own environmental assessment and testing. If any remediation is required, it is the sole responsibility of the Respondent.
In addition to meeting the above threshold requirements, the Respondent must submit a complete response to this Request for Bids. The Response must contain the following information:
- The price the Respondent is willing to pay for the Property in its “as-is, where-is” condition. The City of Mobile seeks bids for $380,000 OR BEST OFFER (OBO) to purchase the Site.
- Identify and describe in detail future development plans for the site, including any re-zoning or conditional use permits that would be required.
- Respondent to provide a Proof of Funds letter or a pre-qualification letter for financing.
- Place offer in a closed opaque envelope labeled “SEALED BID”.
- If bidder desires that payment of any broker fee be disbursed as a closing cost from the gross sale proceeds, then the amount of the fee shall be plainly disclosed in the bid and the bid amount should be increased accordingly so that the net proceeds to the City of Mobile is not reduced.
All questions must be sent in writing by mail to Carleen Stout-Clark at the address listed under “Bid Submission” below or by email to / RE: BID-3200 Moffett Rd., REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Questions must be received no later than three (3) business days prior to the date for receipt of bids. All responses will be in writing in the form of an Addendum to the Request for Bids.
In addition to the above, the successful Respondent must demonstrate the financial capacity to undertake the proposed development and will be required to submit the following upon selection:
- A line of credit availability OR proof of funds letter from a lending institution OR other evidence acceptable to the City.
Selection will be based on the highest responsible and responsive bid that best satisfies the objectives of the City for the development of this Property. Conceptual plans will be considered.
Respondent must meet the following threshold requirements in order to be eligible to respond to this RFB:
- The Respondent or a related entity may not own any real property within the City of Mobile that has any unresolved citation or violation of any local codes and/or ordinances.
- The Respondent may not own any real property within the City of Mobile, Mobile County or the State of Alabama that is tax delinquent.
- The Respondent must not have been the prior owner of any real property in the City of Mobile that was transferred to the State Land Commissioner as a result of tax delinquency.
PRE-BID MEETING AND INSPECTION: No tour or inspection of the Property will be conducted as any interested respondent may view the vacant property at any time.
Following selection, the selected respondent will be required to enter into a Purchase Agreement with the City. The specific terms of the Purchase Agreement will be negotiated between the City and the successful respondent upon selection.
The City will be responsible for the cost of the preparation of the deed and Title Insurance.
All other closing costs as well as the costs for additional surveys or inspections shall be the responsibility of the selected respondent.
The selected respondent will have thirty (30) days from selection to execute a Purchase Agreement with the City.
RESPONSES ARE DUE: Responses must be received on or before Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. CST.
All bids shall be submitted on the Response Form provided with this Request for Bids. Bids may be hand-delivered or mailed to the following:
Physical Address:
City of Mobile Government Plaza (Drop off – 9th Floor South Tower “City of Mobile Bids”)
City Clerk’s Office 9th Floor, South Tower
RE: Sealed Bid for 3200 Moffett Road Property
205 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Mailing Address: City of Mobile
City Clerk’s Office – 9th Floor, South Tower
RE: Sealed Bid for 3200 Moffett Road Property
P.O. Box 1827
Mobile, AL 36633
If the Bid is Delivered in person: Enter Government Plaza, take the South Tower elevators to the 9th Floor, and leave sealed bids in the box, marked “City of Mobile Bids”, no later than Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. CST local time. Bids Will Not Be Accepted in the Real Estate Department.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. CST in the atrium at 205 Government Plaza. All responsible and responsive Bids will be forwarded to the Real Estate Committee for review and recommendation for award.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or may make award to the highest, most responsible, and responsive Bidder. In determining the most responsive bid the City shall take into consideration the Respondent’s bid and the following factors;
- The price the Respondent is willing to pay for the parcel;
- The proposed use;
- The proposed schedule for development; and
- Proof of funds from banking institution or pre-qualification letter from lender.
The City reserves the right to:
- Amend, modify, or withdraw this RFB;
- Revise any requirements under this RFB;
- Accept any bid deemed to be in the best interests of the City and to reject any and all bids;
- Require supplemental or clarifying information from any responding party without having been deemed to have changed the terms of the RFB;
- Extend the deadline for submissions of responses; and
- Negotiate or hold discussions with any Respondent to supplement responses.
The City may exercise any and all rights at any time without notice and without liability for expenses incurred in responding to any changes in the RFB. Responses are prepared at the sole cost and expense of the Respondent. Responses are submitted for the benefit of the party identified on the Response Form and are non-assignable.
Nothing stated at any time by any City agent or representative will affect a change or addition to the RFB, unless confirmed in writing by the City and distributed to all responders.
All information submitted in response to this RFB shall become the property of the City, and as such, may be subject to public review as public records. Any responder who submits records of sensitive internal business affairs, proprietary information, or information that could potentially be used by competitors to achieve an unfair business advantage must identify the information as confidential at the time it is submitted to the City. The City will not release appropriately designated confidential information. If the City finds that the information is not confidential for purposes of the Alabama Open Records Act, it will consult with the responder before releasing it to the public.
Respondents acknowledge and agree that the City will not be liable for any costs, expenses, losses, damages (including damages for loss of anticipated profit) or liability incurred by the Respondent as a result of, or arising out of, responding to this RFB.
This request for bid uses the gender-neutral words “it” and “its” in place of “he” and “she” and “his” and “her, etc., merely for the sake of brevity or to include the possibility that a consulting firm might submit a bid.
The Property is being sold “as-is, where-is.”
In This Section