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Who's In? Who's Out? Who Knows?

Feb 21st, 2003

Committee members to incorporate West Mobile don?t know!
Do You?

A petition to incorporate West Mobile into a new city has left many who live in the affected area in a quandary.

The proposed area for incorporation "generally" is bounded by Cody Road on the east, Howell's Ferry Road on the north, Snow Road on the west and Cottage Hill Road on the south. But, there are many out-parcels and in-parcels. Some according No New City Committee Chairman, Jim Bozonelos, are like islands or even bubbles. "If you look at the map, you'll see not just neighborhoods split , but streets that are split and some areas that are 'out' surrounded by areas that are 'in'. That's awfully perplexing", Bozonelos said. People who live in these areas don't know if they're eligible to vote or not because the map is so confusing.

A confusing map is just one of the problems Sarah Dorger, a resident in the area proposed for incorporation says she sees. "If you live in one of the bubbles or islands, which Police Department do you call if a burglar breaks into your house? Or which Fire Department do you call if your house burns? And how will those departments know if they can even cross the city lines to help us"? Nobody on the committee to incorporate has ever answered these basic questions, Dorger says.

Why are so many areas left out of the proposed area for incorporation? Incorporation Chairman Butch Blum says it's because there were not enough signatures on the Incorporation petition for those areas to meet state requirements. Under the law, signatures must be received from four qualified voters who live in each 40 acre block or parcel used to make up a section proposed for incorporation.

"It's gerrymandered", Bozonelos says. "The reason the map looks like swiss cheese, is because it is." Bozonelos says Blum and his group drew up this map to keep the "no votes" out. "They keep talking about the right to vote - just give us the right to vote--well, where is our right to vote Mr. Blum?"

A No New City Committee community meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 17, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. in the John Archer Center at 1070 Schillinger Road. Maps of the proposed area will be on display for residents to see. Members of the No New City Committee will also answer questions about the enormous cost to residents if incorporators are successful.

For more information, please call Gina Gregory 208-7590 or 377-6501.