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Welcome Home Troops

Apr 15th, 2004

They've been away from their families for more than a year in Iraq and Kuwait fighting the war on terrorism-now the 161st Medical battalion from Mobile is coming home. Families, friends and the city of Mobile are welcoming these soldiers back with open arms.

A troop convoy will arrive at the Spring Hill Armory, Friday, April 16, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to participate in the welcoming celebration. District 7 Mobile City Councilman, Stephen Nodine is helping to coordinate the event with Operation Homefront and the 161st Family Support Group. Nodine says this is a proud day for the community and the families of these dedicated soldiers.

Mayor Mike Dow says the citizens of Mobile are proud and respectful of the 161st members' personal service and sacrifices. "We are respectful and appreciative of your role in protecting the free world. Your service is important and necessary," Dow added.

The 161st was activated January 26, 2003 and left Mobile for Ft. Stewart, Georgia on February 1, 2003. They arrived in Kuwait in early April, 2003. 161st members provided medical care, laboratory services, optometry service, dental services, medical logistics, preventive medicine, mental health services, maintenance on medical equipment and other operation equipment. While deployed, the soldiers treated more than 229-thousand troops and nationals.

Mayor Dow, City Council President Reggie Copeland and Councilman Nodine urge everyone to welcome home our troops by lining up along Spring Hill Avenue to McGregor in order to wave the convoy in to the Armory and then join in the celebration.