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We Know How to Protect Mobile Better than BP Does

Jul 1st, 2010

We know how to protect Mobile better than BP does. That’s why Mayor Sam Jones, Council Vice President Fred Richardson, and County Commission President Merceria Ludgood traveled to Plaquemines Parish to see first hand how a local government is taking over their own oil spill response.

In the southern Louisiana waterways, they got a look at how DRC, a mobile-based company, is helping parish (county) leaders fight for their own protection. Using boom, skimmers, vacuum boats, and other materials, they are doing things on their own time, but on BP’s dime. That is what Mayor Jones and other local leaders want to do here. This oil spill is BP’s responsibility, but the communities of the Gulf Coast, including Mobile, must deal with its effects.

That is why we are demanding that BP pay for our plans to use DRC to prepare for the oil BEFORE it gets too far into Mobile Bay, and to mitigate exposure once it appears here.

Local media accompanied the Mobile delegation. See the video below for more details.