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Voice for All from City Hall

May 26th, 2004

By Fred Richardson
City Councilman
District 1

I am happy to report that the new automated garbage collection service has gone off without any major problems. For the most part citizens had their new cans at the curb in plenty time for the initial Monday, May 17th starting date. Since District 1 served as the trial area, Mayor Dow and myself reported to the staging area the morning of May 17th at 5:30AM. We greeted the workers and shared with them the importance of the role they play in helping us launch this bold new initiative. When I left the meeting and traveled through District 1 I found streets lined with new garbage cans.
We are still providing two-day garbage service during this trial period only. Once we work the bugs out of the system we will reverse to once per week garbage pick-up. The projected time frame for continuing the two-day pick-up is one month. An announcement will be made and we probably will do a mail-out informing affected citizens when the one-day per week pick-up will start. Any problems; please call our Action Center at 208-7999. They are always open to receive your call.
On Thursday night, May 20th, I held my community meeting at Dumas Wesley Center on Mobile Street for citizens of Crichton in Beats 30 and 31. 97 citizens were in attendance. Information was shared on how and where to apply for an affordable home and how the Clinton L. Johnson Center for Economic Development will develop specific training to meet the individual needs. Also, that center will serve as an incubator in helping individuals to start new businesses. Many neighborhood issues were raised and with city department heads on hand a strategy was put in place, on the spot, to correct those issues. Since many of the issued were pertaining to blight, I have asked Urban Development Officials to do a sweep of Crichton. They have already agreed. I further asked Environmental Court Judge, Holmes Whiddon, to schedule an Environmental Court session at Dumas Wesley Center in Crichton soon after the sweep is over. He too agreed. Blight breeds crime and it will stay under attack as long as I am representing.
Citizens of Crichton asked that a park be established along Three Mile Creek on the city’s land left vacant by the floods of 1980 and 81. The land in questioned is near USA Hospital on the west side of the creek. Upon visiting the area I have already made a request through the Mayor’s office asking that certain equipment be placed on that property so children in that area will have some place to recreate. Adults can use the area also. We are already keeping the grass cut. Benches and swings and a basketball play area will give the kids something to do.
History was made in a mighty way last Friday, May 21, 2004 when a native of Mobile, Sonja F. Bivins, took the oath of office to become the first minority federal judge in the Southern District of Alabama. It took several hundred years but it happened.


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