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The City of Mobile's Unemployment Rate Falls to the National Average

Oct 30th, 2017

Mobile, Ala.--The City of Mobile's unemployment rate plummeted to 4.2 percent in September, according to a report from the Alabama Department of Labor, matching the national average. This is a decrease from August's rate of 5.4 percent and a drastic decline from the City's September 2016 rate, 7.4 percent.

"This report serves as proof that we are becoming the most business friendly city in America," said Mayor Stimpson. "Not only are new businesses flocking to Mobile but existing businesses continue to expand offering more job opportunities to our citizens. The interest level in Mobile from prospective employers and investors has never been higher, and we will continue to build on this momentum until the unemployment rate is zero. This is one more way we are telling the world that Mobile is open for business and we are ready to work."

Approximately 3,000 more people are working in the City of Mobile compared to September 2016. The September unemployment data reflects the national average at 4.2 percent. Over the past year, Mobile has announced several new workforce opportunities including the Walmart Distribution Center, the Amazon Sortation Center, the expansion of Airbus and Airbus suppliers and most recently the headquarters of SSAB moving from Chicago to Mobile.

*Estimates are prepared by the Alabama Department of Labor in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, based on a 2016 benchmark.