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Strategic Planning Initiative

Oct 6th, 2004

The City of Mobile was blessed in the mid-1980s with a new, state-legislated, mayor-council, seven-districted and more representative form of government. At that time, our city had a long list of serious and unfunded problems. The task at hand was very intimidating and large. Throughout the 1990s, the city was driven for the first time in its history by strategic plans developed jointly by the new administration, city councils and city department heads. The goal was to maximize our city’s competitiveness and accomplishments, thereby strengthening and growing the political, social and economic fabric of our community. Much has been accomplished.

This strategic plan process and its execution over the 1990s not only has made our city stronger, but it moderated both the political and social conflict communitywide through fostering inclusion, consensus, shared goals and many successful public-private partnerships. We need once again to develop such a clear and comprehensive strategic direction and plan (i.e., the vision thing). We have a lot of positive momentum and challenges to channel into that process.

Mayor Dow and Council President Copeland hereby appoint Councilmember John Peavy as Chairman and the city’s Executive Director of Administrative Services, Chris Lee, as the administration’s liaison to this strategic plan process. The plan needs to be broad-based in addressing not only city services and our capital budgets, but include external factors such as economic development, tax reform and annexation. We are excited about this initiative.