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Statement from Mobile Mayor Sam Jones on Today’s City Council Action

Apr 15th, 2010

As Chief Executive Officer of Mobile, I cannot make the hard decisions to overcome our economic crisis without the help and cooperation of the City Council. It has always been my position that the integrity of city services to our citizens and the employment of city workers are of utmost importance.

That is why in March I proposed a 10% across-the-board pay cut for all city employees including myself, which was soundly rejected by the City Council. That measure also included a $22,000,000 cut from departmental budgets. That proposal was made in an effort to maintain jobs of city workers and the integrity of our city. Today, I proposed a temporary 1 cent sales tax increase which would have automatically been reduced by 50% in two years. This measure would have stabilized city workers’ jobs and allowed us to maintain essential city services. This measure failed to receive a majority vote of the Council. Rejection by the Council on both of these measures has forced me to take the following action:

A forced layoff of hundreds of employees which will affect basic city services. This layoff will include every city department and all job classifications. We have requested the Mobile County Personnel Board to prepare a layoff employment list. Further details will be provided at a later date.

Reduction in some city services and deferral of the purchase of some major departmental equipment.

I knew overcoming these challenges would demand focus and collaboration. Though some may view today’s rejection by the Council as a win, I can assure you it is a loss for city employees and the citizens we serve.

I believe in the City of Mobile and its future. I will continue to diligently work to ensure its success.