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Feb 19th, 2004

A women with "light brown hair pinned to the top of her head" and "very rude" is going around in the county in an older model white truck with SPCA hand painted on the side. She is telling people she works for the Mobile SPCA and is trying to seize animals. We do not know who she is or what she is doing. The sheriff is looking for her since she took a man with her on one call that said he was a deputy. Please keep a look out and help us take this person off the streets. We do not know what she is doing with the animals she is taking or who she is working for. If you see a white truck with SPCA painted on the side, please get the plate number and contact me or the SPCA office at 633-3531. With everyone watching out for her we should be able to spot her. Please email this to everyone you know. We need to get this woman off the street.