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Red Cross Summer Blood Message

May 7th, 2005

BEFORE you ROLL on down the highway on your summer vacation or trip to the beach, consider ROLLING UP your sleeve and providing blood for someone whose life may be in jeopardy without it. Often during the summer there are severe blood and platelet shortages across our region and America. Not enough of us make the time to donate each summer. There aren't many things worse than a child, parent or friend who can't get the treatment they need to survive. Blood and platelet transfusions are often needed to keep people alive in this area. YOUR American Red Cross encourages you to help this summer. Donate blood or platelets at your nearest Red Cross donor center or at a Red Cross blood drive in your community. Donations decrease by 20 per cent this time of year because many regular donors-high school and college students are on vacation. Families are traveling and are not available. Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE, DO IT FOR LIFE & please ROLL UP that sleeve TODAY!!