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Public Safety Committee to Hold Meeting

Jul 14th, 2016

Will Take Up Proposed Ordinance on Police Citizens Advisory Council

Mobile, AL - Councilwoman Bess Rich announced today that the Public Safety Committee will meet Thursday, July 28th at 2:30 PM. The meeting will take place at Government Plaza in a room still to be determined.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed ordinance pertaining to the establishment of a Police Citizens Community Relations Advisory Council.

The public is invited to attend and address the committee regarding the proposed ordinance. Speakers will be allotted 3 to 5 minutes depending upon the number of requests to speak the day of the meeting. Speakers are also encouraged to bring copies of any documents or information they would like the Council to have as the committee discusses and debates the merits of this proposed ordinance.

Council committee members include Bess Rich - Chair, Levon Manzie and John Williams.

Click here to view the proposed ordinance to create and establish a Police Citizens Community Relations Advisory Council