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Parts of Dauphin Street Downsized from Four Lanes to Three

May 9th, 2007

In an effort to reduce crashes and improve traffic flow, the City of Mobile is reducing the number of lanes on Dauphin Street, between Broad and Houston Streets, from four to three. The changes will create two 12-feet through lanes and one 14-foot dual left turn lane. The total width of Dauphin Street will not change. These changes are being made in conjunction with the resurfacing of Dauphin Street, and should be completed within the next three weeks.

Reasons for this improvement include:

• Clearer vision for left turns, reducing crashes;

• More pedestrian-friendly;

• Wider lanes create safer conditions for bicycles;

• Better signal display and timing;

• Slower traffic during peak driving time, but better flow with less turning conflicts.

About 12,000 vehicles per day travel down this stretch of Dauphin Street.