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Partners for Growth Campaign Exceeds Goal by More Than $1 Million

Nov 20th, 2003

MOBILE - Investors in the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce's economic development superfund - Partners for Growth - have set lofty goals for this community's development over the next five years. They have also pledged the necessary funding to support this effort and surpassed the $7 million goal by more than $1 million. Harris Morrissette, chairman of Partners for Growth and president of Marshall Biscuits Co., announced $8,068,496 has been raised to fund the Chamber's economic and community development efforts.

The public-private partnership of Mobile County, the City of Mobile and over 130 Chamber members, will drive new business development, business retention as well as workforce development, expansion efforts and infrastructure development projects from 2004-2008 in the Mobile area.

The campaign's impact will be far-reaching, according to Morrissette. He believes Partners for Growth's targeted goals over the next five years will add an additional 1,100 primary jobs per year to the community with a targeted annual salary of $32,500 per year, and the capital investment will exceed $1.75 billion.

The targeted annual salary for newly created jobs represents a 20 percent increase over the average annual wage of jobs created by the Chamber's previous campaign, The Millennium Fund. The salary goal is also 24 percent above the region's annual private industry wage of $26,278.

Bill Sisson, vice president of economic development for the Chamber says increasing the salary goal is a reflection of the Chamber's new focus on recruiting companies that fit our natural resource model.

"We're targeting several specific industry sectors, including aerospace, maritime, oil and gas exploration, distribution, bio-medical research, transportation and technology transfer," he said. "We believe recruiting in these areas will best utilize our workforce and match the needs in the Mobile area."

Partners for Growth initiatives are three-fold - Existing Business Retention and Expansion, New Business Development and Infrastructure Advancement. A process involving many investors and community leaders crafted goals and objectives of each initiative. A steering committee of investors will provide oversight to the economic development process.

"Tapping the expertise of our investors will be an integral piece of the Partners for Growth initiative," according to Chamber President Win Hallett.

Morrissette agrees the Chamber will need to use the time and talents of our community and business leaders to meet the Partners for Growth's aggressive goals, but together will be successful at building a stronger region.

"The investments that have been generously made for this campaign are overwhelming," explained Morrissette. "The leadership in the community believes in the program of work the Chamber's created. Now it's time for the staff, in tandem with our volunteers, to begin implementing the initiatives."

Summary of Partners for Growth's Three Initiatives

Building on the successes of The Millennium Fund, the Chamber has developed its next five-year, multi-million economic development initiative, Partners for Growth. The program, which will run from 2004-2008, is a collaborative effort between the City of Mobile, Mobile County and private investors.

Chaired by Harris Morrissette, president of Marshall Biscuits, the group has identified three major initiatives, existing business retention and expansion, new business development and infrastructure advancement, along with a number of strategies to ensure the program's success. For more information about investing in the Partners for Growth campaign, contact Shelly Mattingly at 431-8655.

Existing Business Retention and Expansion

The area's existing businesses represent significant potential for job creation. Efforts will include exploring new opportunities for collaboration with local vendors and suppliers, assisting in developing plans for spin-off companies, mobilizing community resources to meet immediate needs and identifying and overcoming potential barriers to growth. 

The Chamber will continue to help area companies increase export and import capabilities through the efforts of our international trade department. Trade will remain a top priority, with strategies including educational briefings on potential international customers, trade missions and participation in trade shows. A strategic approach to providing small business assistance will be a vital component in developing the Mobile area's economic infrastructure.

The Chamber's Center for Workforce Development will continue to collaborate with local industry and representatives from the Mobile County Public School System, colleges and universities to create programs that carry students from school to work.  In addition, staff will collaborate with community workforce training and placement providers to support their goals and objectives.  

New Business Development

Recruiting new industry investment in the Mobile area will be a top priority. Recruiting efforts will target specific sectors that capitalize on the area's natural resources, core industries, growth industries and existing infrastructure. Implementation activities will include marketing in trade publications, conducting trade missions, participation in trade shows, enhanced marketing, industry research, national targeted public relations efforts, personal visits to select businesses and "red carpet" tours. 

Infrastructure Advancement

A well-rounded community provides its citizens with jobs, a stable economy and opportunities for growth. To accomplish this, a community must have the necessary infrastructure coupled with a positive business climate. The Chamber's legislative advocacy and lobbying efforts will continue to build the necessary private/public partnerships to secure specific infrastructure needs. Community-focused initiatives strengthen citizen commitment to the area and improve the quality of life for all.  Envision Coastal Alabama is a two-county partnership fostering a business-friendly climate supporting quality regional growth. Across the region, citizens will be informed be updated about economic development issues, strategies and activities. Nationally, media efforts will continue to promote Mobile as a great place to work and live.