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Dec 31st, 2002

The Mobile City Council voted Tuesday, December 31, 2002 to authorize a contract with John Gavin for services as the City’s Neighborhood Development Coordinator.

Gavin has been under a yearly contract with the City since October 1999 as the Litter Abatement Coordinator. But under this new contract, the title is changing. During Gavin’s three years with the City his duties have moved away from litter pickup toward working with Community Action Groups, sections of the Public Services Division, Public Safety Divisions, Environmental Court, and Keep Mobile Beautiful.

As Neighborhood Development Coordinator, Gavin will also continue working closely with City Council members to identify problems in their districts and to help develop solutions. Gavin will be responsible for organizing and coordinating Public Works and Public Safety activities to help eliminate illegal litter, trash and other conditions that lead to blight and crime.

Gavin will also organize new Neighborhood Associations and stimulate the growth of existing Associations. In his new role, John Gavin will act as a liaison between the Mayor, City Council and City Departments to expedite the resolution of problems that disrupt the quality of life that citizens of Mobile should expect.

The salary for this contract is $55,000, with no benefits such as medical or life insurance included.