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More momentum to the partnership

Jan 11th, 2005

Guest from sister city Mobile in Worms/ Greetings from mayor

Ben Brooks, Mobile councilman, was on a private trip in Europe and took the opportunity for a visit in German sister city  Worms. The guest and his son was received in absence of lord mayor Michael Kissel by deputy mayor Georg Buettler. President of Foerderkreis German-American Friendship took care of the visitors and did the interpreting.

Ben Brooks handed a letter from mayor Michael C. Dow which stressed that Mobile was proud of being twinned with Worms and that the exchange and cooperation between Mobile and Worms are subject to be intensyfied. Same efforts are in process as from the German side answered Georg Buettler who took the opportunty to express his gratitude towards Richard Claus for his restless endeavor and activities to generate more and new connections and contacts.

Ben Brooks recognised the hospitalty he and his son were received with and he promised to take more time at his next visit to see Worms and all its sights. 

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