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Mobilians May See a Reduction in Insurance Premiums

Mar 1st, 2013

Adding two new fire stations and the hiring of more than 45 new firefighters has helped the City of Mobile to receive a higher fire protection rating, which may mean a reduction in insurance premiums.

The Insurance Service Office (Public Protection Classification) has upgraded the city from a “4” to “3” rating, which measures a city’s ability to fight fires. The last review for Mobile was in 2010, and the city’s ISO rating was downgraded. Communities or fire districts receive a rating from 1 to 10—with one representing the highest quality fire protection and 10 representing a system that does not meet ISO’s minimum criteria.

“This is welcome news for Mobile because we want to do all we can to improve the Fire Department’s ability to serve our citizens,” said Mobile Mayor Sam Jones. “Since the downgrade, we have been working hard to improve the Fire Department’s infrastructure and its overall personnel, because this rating will lead to a savings to most property owners.”

Mobile has added two new state-of-the-art fire stations in Theodore and west Mobile on Airport Blvd.

“Due to my staff’s hard work and dedication, we are pleased to announce the rating upgrade for our citizens,” said Mobile Fire and Rescue Chief Stephen Dean. “The upgrade shows the department’s commitment to provide the very best for our city.”

In the fire jurisdiction, the rating did not change. It will remain a 5 in most areas; and to a 9 or 10 in more remote areas.