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Mobile Police to Use New Command Center for Large-Scale Events

Dec 18th, 2008

Mobile Police Chief Phillip Garrett has unveiled a new tool to increase safety for large crowds such as Mardi Gras or BayFest, or to keep an eye on large-scale incidents like a school shooting or terrorist attack.

The new mobile Command Center provides the Police Chief and his staff the necessary resources and technology at their disposal while on a critical incident or special event to control the department's resources and response.

“The citizens and visitors of Mobile can be proud and assured that we will take every precaution to ensure their safety during big events,” said Mayor Sam Jones. “We will also be more prepared in a crisis situation.”

“The ability to deploy this amount of resources in the event of a mass-emergency or scheduled event is unprecedented for us,” said Garrett. “I’m proud that the Mobile Police Department will have such a visible presence to make certain the safety of everyone.”

Here’s a quick rundown of its features:

• Two (2) 6-light towers used to light a crime scene or other incident

• One (1) high-resolution digital camera that is controlled remotely from the command center with 400 to 1 zoom and 360-degree view

• Its own “weather station” that monitors current conditions around the command center (wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity)

• Public address system with four (4) external speakers

• 7,000-watt Cummins commercial generator with 25-gallon fuel tank

• Eight (8) workstations

• Three (3) separate rooms (rear radio room, main room, and front planning/command room)

The first event where the Command Center will be set up is at the City’s MoonPie Over Mobile New Year’s Eve celebration at Cooper Riverside Park.