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Mobile Police Offer Citizen, Youth Academies

Dec 18th, 2008

Citizen's Academy

The Mobile Police Department is currently accepting applications for its tenth Citizen’s Academy set to start on February 26, 2009. The classes meet once a week on Thursdays for 11 weeks from 6:30 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. and will conclude on April 30, 2009. The classes will be held at the Police Department Training Academy located at 1251 Virginia Street. The classes are offered to provide citizens with a hands-on perspective of police work.

The classes are taught by police officials with expertise in the given areas of instruction. A vital part of the Academy is participation in role playing and scenarios. Students will also have the option, on a voluntary basis, to ride with a patrol officer and visit several law enforcement facilities, including Metro Jail and Communications. Students will also be trained to handle firearms at the MPD Pistol Range.

The program is free and class size is limited. Applicants that meet requirements for participation will be admitted on a first come, first serve basis.

The Mobile Police Department started the Citizen’s Academy Program in 2001 as a way of building partnerships with citizens to fight crime and improve safety city-wide. On various occasions, the Police Department has convened graduates of the program for their input on projects or issues.

The upcoming class will focus on all the units of the Police Department and their methods to fight crime and aid victims. Topics include crime scene security and investigations, traffic operations, tactical unit callouts, the bomb squad, case investigation, crime prevention, and more.
Participation is limited to residents of the city or its police jurisdiction who are at least 21 years of age and have no significant arrest history. They must present a valid Alabama driver’s license and be willing to undergo a background check.

Interested persons may download an application from the police Web Site at They also can have an application sent to them by calling the Training Academy at 208-2730.

Youth Academy

Kids and young adults have the chance to see a real cop show this summer when the third annual Mobile Police Department Citizens Academy for Youths begins in the summer of 2009.

The five week class is free and is open to youths ages 12 through 19 who reside in the police jurisdiction of Mobile. Meetings will be held weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Most activities will take place at the Mobile Police Department Training Academy located at 1251 Virginia Street.

The Program is based on the popular Citizens Police Academy for adults. The Young Adults program will be shorter in length and will be focused on the areas that are most likely to interest youths.

Participants will get a chance to see some of the real work of crime scene investigation. An actual crime scene will be created and participants will use the tools and equipment of the department to make sense of the crime scene.

They will be set amidst a tactical operations scenario and become familiarized with some of the equipment and tools used for special operations.

One day will be set aside for firearms training at the Metro Firearms Training Facility. Participants will take a trip to Metro Jail, Strickland Youth Center, Atmore Prison, and will visit the Mounted Unit. They will learn about patrol functions, traffic operations, and other aspects of police work.

Interested persons may download an application from the police website at They also can have an application sent to them by calling the Training Academy at 208-2730. Background checks will be required and no youth with felony convictions will be accepted into the program.