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Mobile CitiSmart – a Year of Success

Jan 10th, 2008

It’s been a year since Mayor Sam Jones kicked off the Mobile CitiSmart program, and it’s come a long way. Since its inception, nearly every city department has come before the CitiSmart panel to measure accountability and create efficiency.

“Through CitiSmart, we have become the most efficient, effective, and accountable city government in Alabama, and probably the region,” said Mayor Jones. “I want to thank the department heads for their working with the CitiSmart team to ensure success.”

Mobile CitiSmart involves department heads reporting to the mayor, the CitiSmart coordinator and a panel of supervisors to justify the day-to-day management and oversight of their department. The reports include computerized data as it relates to the spending of tax dollars, employee productivity and the process of addressing citizen’s service request orders.

Several success stories have come from CitiSmart – including the reduction in overtime costs, a better form of communication between departments, and the implementation of new management techniques.