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Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Top In the Nation

Nov 19th, 2003

MOBILE - On Monday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce awarded the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce with its top designation - five-star accredited. The accreditation designation came after a lengthy process whereby the nation’s top Chamber executives scrutinized the Mobile Area Chamber's program of work. Nationally, only two other Chambers of Commerce received a five-star accredited designation during the fall program.

"The accreditation process did not make us a five-star Chamber," said Win Hallett, president of the Mobile Area Chamber. "It did, however, affirm that recognition. The outstanding volunteers and staff of this organization deserve the credit for this national recognition, and we couldn’t be more proud."

Accreditation means that the U.S. Chamber recognizes the Mobile Area Chamber as an organization that offers sound programs and organizational procedures, and that it reliably works to improve the community. The process takes into account eight areas of focus - governance, finance, human resources and staff, government affairs, program development, communication, technology and facilities. To receive the highest designation, Chambers are scored on a point rating, and must earn over 90 percent of the total points.

The Mobile Area Chamber has been accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce since the designation’s inception more than 40 years ago. This is the first time the U.S. Chamber has offered different levels of accreditation. For more information on the accreditation process, log onto the U.S. Chamber’s Web site at

The Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce serves as a progressive advocate for business needs to promote the Mobile area's economic well-being. Focusing on our community, the Mobile Chamber builds jobs, a competitive workforce, a positive business climate, higher expectations for our community's development and brings value to its members. Aggressive economic development marketing programs by the Mobile Chamber have helped bring in 225 new businesses and led to 782 expansions of existing industries since 1985, representing a capital investment of $7.88 billion and 26,901 direct new jobs. For more information about the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce, please call 251-433-6951 or visit

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Eligibility

I. Governance

The chamber has defined the architecture of its governing system. There is a clearly developed purpose and mission that is shared by board members and staff. The organizational structure is defined, and the board of directors and staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities.
  • Mission statement is clear and feasible
  • Organizational structure is clear and appropriate to the chamber's size and goals
  • Board of directors is functional and appropriate size
  • Bylaws: 
    1. Regulate the main areas of chamber management
    2. Considered to be adequate for the laws of the state to the protection of both the organization and its members
    3. Have been shared with the board
  • Regular board meetings held and minutes kept on file
  • Proper committees are in place in order to meet goals


II. Finance

The chamber conforms with all IRS and state accounting regulations, and generally complies with the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards. The chamber operates on a budget approved by the board of directors. An annual review of the chamber's records is made by a recognized auditing firm.
  • Meets generally accepted accounting practices, IRS and state filing requirements       
  • Annual operational budget in place (including costs for all programs, management,
    and fund-raising) and is approved by board  
  • Maintain current financial statements  
  • Annual internal review of financial statements performed    
  • Financial statements reviewed on a monthly basis by board of directors


III. Human Resources & Staff

Chamber meets all federal and state regulations governing employers, and acts as a catalyst in the professional development of its staff. Chamber staff recognizes its responsibility for implementing the decisions of the board of directors.
  • Meet federal and state regulations regarding employees    
  • Staff understands chamber's mission and program of action  
  • Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual in place
  • Distinct roles and job descriptions set up for volunteers 


IV. Government Affairs

Participation in public policy decision making affecting economic and business issues.
  • Grassroots network established
  • Top 3 - 5 priority issues identified and policy adopted/shared with elected officials
  • Actively shares State/U.S. Chamber information with membership
  • Has fostered a direct relationship with local/county/state/federal officials


V. Program Development

Chamber has formal system in place to plan, document, and exercise short-term and long-range goals/plans; methods to monitor and evaluate chamber's status on goals are used throughout the year.
  • A basic short-term action plan for the current year has been developed
  • A long-term strategic plan for the future (3 - 5 years) has been developed 
  • Appropriate resources to exercise strategic plans exist   
  • Chamber has an understanding of membership     
  • An attempt to collect member feedback has been made    
  • The relevancy of the chamber and its programs within the community is understood
  • An annual report is sent to the members


VI. Communication

Chamber has identified target markets within its membership and has devised clear plans to communicate with them.   
  • A written communications plan developed (including marketing)
  • Diverse forms of media to promote chamber, its services and events used
  • Press releases for local paper have been written
  • Website is frequently updated and used to communicate basic chamber information
  • Members are contacted by chamber at least every two weeks


VII. Technology

Chamber has technological ability to communicate with membership effectively and can efficiently implement its program of action.
  • Basic local and long-distance phone service with answering machine in place 
  • Fax capabilities (incoming and outgoing)     
  • Separate line(s) for Internet access (up to 56k dial-up modem) set up  
  • Internet service provider (ISP) such as AOL, MSN  
  • Up to 15 pages of static Web page information, including contact information (address, phone, fax, e-mail) on home page   
  • Web information/updates administered by volunteer, staff member, or webmaster
  • Basic search engine registration


VIII. Facilities

Chamber conforms with all federal, state and local building, fire, health, and safety regulations.
  • Meets accepted OSHA regulations (including OSHA poster hung in employee common area)
  • Facility projects appropriate business image and is easily accessible to the public  
  • Workplace is neat, clean, and free of potential safety hazards  
  • Work space for staff is adequate      
  • Telephone, computer, and mailing systems are all in place and functioning