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Mayor Supports Traffic Safety Legislation

Dec 21st, 2006

Mayor Sam Jones is proud to support proposed state legislation that will allow the City of Mobile to use automated devices to enforce red light runners. The use of these cameras has been shown to dramatically decrease the rate of accidents from the running of red lights, save lives and reduce injuries.

“We are dedicated to taking action to keep the drivers on our streets safe,” said Mayor Jones.

Under the legislation, sponsored by Rep. Spencer Collier, cameras would be placed at intersections with the highest accident rates. If the camera’s technology determines the speed of the vehicle is too fast to stop at the light, three photos are taken:

1. Entering the intersection
2. At the middle of the intersection with the clock showing seconds elapsed since the light turned red
3. A rear photo of the license tag

Prior to a ticket being mailed to the owner of the vehicle, the photos would be reviewed and certified by a police officer trained in automated traffic devices. The legislation imposes a civil fine only and specifies that it shall not affect the person’s driving record or affect insurance rates. A procedure for contesting the ticket is also contained in the legislation.