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Mayor Stimpson to Announce Zoning Overhaul

Mar 22nd, 2016

"When we embarked on the Map for Mobile planning process, we promised to use it as a 'living document' with action plans developed and reviewed on an annual basis. This next step will outline methods and approaches the City will follow to implement zoning, land use, code and ordinance changes. These improvements will foster growth and be a catalyst for economic development." - Mayor Stimpson.

Mayoral Action:
Mayor Stimpson is presenting a contract for City Council approval to study the City of Mobile's General Land Use Plan, Major Street Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Regulations that have not been replaced in almost 50 years. Pending Council approval, the contract will be awarded to White & Smith, LLC for consultation services. This national land use law practice has completed more than 50 zoning and development codes in 26 states including Montgomery, AL, Austin, TX and St. Petersburg, FL. The Administration initiated this project to develop four specific documents that translate the broad vision of Map for Mobile into specific land use policies.

Subdivision Regulations:

  • The current version was first adopted in 1952.

  • Regulations are utilized to enforce minimum lot sizes.

  • Its purpose is currently not well defined.

  • The revisions will emphasize overall development outcomes.

Zoning Ordinance:

  • The current version was first adopted in 1967.

  • It is burdensome to the development community due to stringent land use requirements.

  • Citizens have limited protection from proposed development.

  • Application requirements are overly complicated and time consuming.

  • Creates a barrier to entrepreneurship and economic development.

  • The new zoning ordinance will modify or create new zoning districts that align with Map for Mobile.

  • The new regulations will emphasize character and design instead of rigid separation of uses.

Major Street Plan (MSP):

  • The MSP is primarily used as a guide for right-of-way dedication during both Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance related processes.

  • The current MSP was first adopted in 1968 and has been irregularly updated since that time.

  • Some of the proposed major streets are very unlikely to be built due to various constraints including wetlands, existing development patterns and shifts in vehicular circulation needs.

  • The new MSP will require coordination with the local Metropolitan Planning Organization office to ensure compatibility with Federal and State requirements.

  • The updates will ensure that new streets and transportation infrastructure will be pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle friendly.

General Land Use Plan (GLUP):

  • Serves as the future land use plan for the City of Mobile.

  • The current GLUP was first adopted in 1968, and has been irregularly updated since that time.

  • The plan no longer reflects the reality of the market nor the vision of the community

  • The new future land use plan will apply Map for Mobile's vision to specific land use decisions.

Map for Mobile:

  • Last year, the City completed the community wide planning process, Map for Mobile: Framework for Growth.

  • This process identified the community's desired vision for growth specifically regarding land use and transportation issues.

  • The plan states that the above documents must be revised or replaced in order to implement the vision of Map for Mobile.