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Mayor Stimpson sponsors resolution for litter trap contract

Mar 24th, 2015

MOBILE, Ala. - Mayor Sandy Stimpson is sponsoring a resolution to begin construction and installation of the City's long awaited litter trap. The resolution is included on today's agenda before the Mobile City Council.

Pending council's approval, the contractor Gulf Equipment Corp. will immediately start improvements to the site and place the order for the litter trap itself. It is expected to be ready for use in June. The trap is approximately 30 feet long and 13 feet wide.

"Our goal is to have the litter trap up and running by summer," said Mayor Stimpson. "The longer we wait, the more litter enters our waterways, the more health risks increase and the more damage is done to our community. I challenge every citizen to do their part to stop the flow of trash through our city. It's time for One Clean Mobile."

The property for the site location has already been purchased. It is located on Eslava Creek at McVay Bridge.

The contract will cost approximately $660,800.55. Gulf Equipment Corp. has previously completed work for the City finishing bride repairs.