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Mayor Stimpson Introduces Legislation to Welcome Bike Share to the City of Mobile

Mar 26th, 2018

"There is a strong demand in the City of Mobile for more transportation options. Bike sharing will connect our neighborhoods and businesses and move us forward on the path to becoming One Mobile. This is the future of transportation."
Mayor Stimpson

"Providing our visitors and citizens with a bike sharing option takes Mobile to the next level. This is a great opportunity to continue to develop our downtown and city as a top tier destination while improving the quality of life and public health for our residents. It is a great benefit to all."
Councilman Williams

"We are thrilled to bring LimeBike to Mobile and the University of South Alabama, who are leading the way in smart mobility in Alabama. We look forward to providing both communities with sustainable, accessible, and affordable transportation."
Todd O'Boyle, LimeBike Director of Strategic Development

"The University of South Alabama is excited to be associated with the City of Mobile in bringing LimeBike to our campus and community. With over 15,000 students enrolled in classes and more than 5,000 full-time employees, our campus can become congested with vehicular traffic. We look forward to seeing the rise of safe biking on our campus and in our city."
Michael Brown, University of South Alabama Coordinator for Outdoor Adventures and Campus Recreation

City Action:
Mayor Stimpson and Councilman John Williams are introducing legislation for Mobile City Council consideration to allow bike share to operate in the City of Mobile in a manner that is safe, convenient and best serves the citizens of Mobile. The Council will vote to approve a franchise agreement for the use of city streets and rights-of-way to the bikes hare company LimeBike.

Dockless Bikeshare:
  • Roughly 150+ cities across the U.S. that have launched a bike share system.
  • Residents, students, and visitors can access the bikeshare system 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Fastest growing bikeshare in the U.S.
  • Delivers a world-class smart mobility service.

The Benefits:
  • Makes bicycles widely accessible.
  • Promotes healthy living.
  • Provides a safe and affordable transportation option.
  • Reduces traffic congestion.
  • Cuts down on carbon emissions.
  • Improves connectivity to different areas and amenities such restaurants, retailers and events.
  • Recruitment and retention tool for large employers and small businesses.
  • Provides transportation to job centers and school campuses.
  • First and last mile solution for transit riders and parking issues

The Bicycle:
  • Cutting-edge smart-bike
  • Self-serve bicycle with a patented locking mechanism.
  • Enabled with active GPS, wireless technology and self-activating lock.
  • Equipped with front light and rear red reflector.
  • Includes three gears, a bell, an adjustable seat and drum brakes.

The Company:
  • LimeBike is the nation's leading and largest dockless bike sharing service.
  • Serves 45 communities from smaller cities like South Bend, IN to major metro markets like Los Angeles.
  • Led by an experienced team in tech and consumer products.
  • Provides customer service to report concerns, complaints or ask questions.
  • Since launching in June 2017, LimeBike has logged over 1.5 million trips
  • Nearly 25% of urban riders are using LimeBike to access popular shopping and entertainment districts.
  • 8 out of 10 college students who try LimeBike choose to making it a regular part of their lifestyle.

The Agreement:
  • Launch in Fall 2018.
  • Zero cost to the City of Mobile.
  • Offers low-income individuals discounted memberships.
  • Bicycles will not be parked anywhere that impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  • Will deploy 500 bicycles initially.
  • Ability to expand to 1,000 bicycles in the first 60 days.
  • Bicycles will be inspected on a routine basis.
  • LimeBike will employee a local general manager.