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Mayor Stimpson declares January 'Mentoring Month' in Mobile

Jan 15th, 2015

MOBILE, Ala. - Mayor Sandy Stimpson proclaimed January as "Mentoring Month" in the City of Mobile to recognize the significance of mentoring in our community.

"I encourage citizens to search for opportunities to serve as mentors in our community," said Mayor Stimpson. "Organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Alabama work tirelessly to improve our children's odds for success and citizens including myself need to be involved."

Research has shown that children engaged in mentoring programs are more likely to finish high school and less likely to begin using drugs and alcohol, skip school, or be involved in violence.

"I applaud programs such as our Mobile Police Departments 'You have a Choice' program, which builds relationships between our officers and our young people," said Mayor Stimpson. "Mentoring these students can save their lives and prevent them from making life altering mistakes. Programs like 'You Have Choice' are helping to move us toward our goal of becoming the safest city in America by 2020."