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Mayor Stimpson comments on One Mobile

May 30th, 2014

Good morning.

I am here today to talk about the impasse involving our City Council over the nomination of my predecessor, Sam Jones, to the Mobile Area Water & Sewer System board of directors.

I want to share a few thoughts about this situation and offer my proposal to help us move forward as a city.

Let me start by saying that I've been in office for a little over six months now, and every day so far has been a learning experience.

I'm sure I haven't been perfect, but I can promise you that every day we are dedicated to serving all the people of this city. Our vision is clear: To make Mobile the safest, most business and family friendly city in America by 2020.

That's an ambitious goal, and I know for certain that no one person alone can get us there.

It will take all of us, working together, united as One Mobile.

Now, we've all heard that phrase 'One Mobile' tossed around a lot in the past few weeks, and I want to revisit it for just a moment.

One Mobile started in the campaign as a vision for Mobile becoming the best it can be. It is a vision of racial harmony, equal opportunity and a better quality of life for all of our citizens.

I ran on a promise to work for One Mobile - particularly for those under-served areas of our city that have been neglected for far too long.

Today we're making progress. It's early, but we're already beginning to see results and that is giving us new energy and excitement.

Over the past couple of weeks, however, it has been disheartening to see us distracted from the issues that we must address if we're ever to achieve our goal.

And, I've been frustrated when we've allowed our differences to impede city business. I've done a lot of thinking in the past two weeks, a lot of listening and a lot of praying. And I know a lot of you have been praying. For that I'm grateful.

I, like you, hoped the city council would come up with an amicable solution. Thus far, they have not.

It says in Psalms 133,
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity."

One Mobile is about unifying this city. It is more than a word or feeling. It is an attitude that reveals itself in action.

Unity for unity's sake means nothing. The reason for unity is so we can come together to create improved opportunity for everyone.

How can we put this into practice? By helping when it's not convenient; by giving when it hurts; by devoting attention to others' welfare rather than our own; and by working together to resolve differences.

The rift in our city council, if not corrected, could spread and begin to undermine all of our efforts to build a better Mobile. We can't afford to let that happen.

The good news is that it can be repaired.

It starts with a single step - approving the appointment of Sam Jones to the water board.

Today I call on the City Council to take that step and keep us on the path toward One Mobile.

If anyone might be hesitant to appoint my former opponent to a city board, it would probably be me!

But, in my opinion he is qualified, he is willing to serve, he can help unite our city and his nomination should be approved.

To those who oppose this nomination, I ask for your consideration, understanding and your willingness to see the greater good that can be accomplished by ending this debate.

To those who support this nomination, I ask you to accept my hand and join together for the future of our city.

In that spirit, I would like to invite former Mayor Jones to stand with me before our citizens and lead a conversation about how we can unify our city for progress at such a pivotal time for Mobile.

I am planning to host a community forum to address the issue of race relations in Mobile. I want it to be an honest conversation about how we can move forward together.

We're still working on the logistics, but we'd like to do it on June 11 at the History Museum in Mobile.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible with the details.

Finally, I'd like to challenge the news media and the commenters on social media to take a tone of civility, stop fanning the flames of controversy and work with us in good faith for a stronger community.

We have so much to be positive about in Mobile.
Our economy is improving, our children are seeing brighter opportunities and we are fighting crime, blight and litter like never before.

We have big challenges ahead of us, but make no mistake: I believe in One Mobile. I am willing to sacrifice to achieve it. I am willing to go anywhere, meet with anyone and do everything in my power to lead us there.

I'd like to end by calling on all of our citizens to join with me in making this One Mobile. We need the help of every one of you to reach up and get beyond any issues that may divide us.