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Mayor Stimpson challenges citizens to sign race relations pledge on MLK Day

Jan 19th, 2015

Mayor Sandy Stimpson is challenging every citizen of Mobile to sign the Mobile Pledge on community race relations during MLK day.

"If you believe that every person has worth as an individual and is entitled to dignity and respect regardless of race or color, please sign this pledge," said Stimpson. "Martin Luther King, Jr. personified the spirt of One Mobile embracing all walks of life and challenging the status quo."

Along with the pledge, Stimpson launched a series of community conversations last year to foster open dialogue on race relations.

"These conversations have brought people together across racial lines to discuss issues Mobile has grappled with for decades," said Stimpson. "We've made progress over this past year, but issues such as education, work force development and other systemic problems remain. I will strive daily to remove these racial barriersand to bring together a community that is truly One Mobile."

Sign the Mobile Pledge on race relations here: