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Mayor Stimpson Appoints Zoning Technical Advisory Committee

Sep 14th, 2017

Mobile, Ala. -- Mayor Stimpson has appointed 15 members to the new Zoning Technical Advisory Committee represented by individuals from the corporate, environmental, and academic communities, as well as from neighborhood and civic groups. The Zoning Technical Advisory Committee will be responsible for providing review and comment to the City and its planning consultants regarding the zoning code, as drafts are prepared.

The meeting is scheduled for today at 2:00 pm in the Multi-purpose room at Government Plaza. Following each Technical Advisory Committee public meeting, forms will be available on the website to provide comments. Each public comment period will extend for thirty days. Subsequently, the City will provide a composite response on the website.

The following have been appointed to the Zoning Technical Advisory Committee: Christopher Grant (Thompson Engineering), Bill Guess (Mobile Board of Adjustment), Abe Harper (Harper Technologies), Karrie Maurin (Downtown Mobile Alliance), Bob O'Mainsky (The Mobile Restaurant Association), Matthew Barclift (Mobile County Commission), Daryl Russell (Mobile Area Water and Sewer Service), Shirley Sessions (Regions Bank), Becca Shaw (Keller Williams Realty), David Shumer (Barton & Shumer Engineering, LLC), Roberta Swann (Mobile Bay National Estuary Program), Pratt Thomas (Merrill P. Thomas Real Estate Co.), Jay Watkins (Maynard, Cooper & Gayle), Mark Wattier (Wattier Surveying Co.), and Sam Winter (Sam Winter Real Estate Co).

Mayor Stimpson launched the zoning overhaul last year to update the City's Future Land Use Plan, zoning code, and subdivision regulations, supporting the vision of Map for Mobile. City staff and consultants have been working alongside businesses, neighborhoods and community groups to complete these new drafts. Updates to the zoning code incorporate form-based zoning principles, allowance for a greater mix of uses, new sign regulations, and updated permitting processes for development projects. The effort seeks to better coordinate the development review process by removing inconsistencies and eliminating outdated policies.

Phase II of the City's regulatory update is underway. A series of public meetings will be held before the Zoning Technical Advisory Committee that will coincide with the new zoning code modules.

"As the City develops, we want to ensure that Mobile becomes the city its residents want it to be," said Mayor Stimpson. "I am confident this new committee will provide the leadership we need to improve Mobile's zoning code attracting new investment and retaining businesses."