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Mayor Sam Jones Hires Retired Marine Officer To Head CitiStat Program

Oct 6th, 2006

Bill Harkins, a decorated, retired U.S. Marine Lt. Colonel started his new job in City Hall on October 4 as Mayor Sam Jones' pick to dissect city government and find ways to make the bureaucracy more accountable, efficient to citizens and save tax dollars that can be channeled into filling more potholes, cleaning up litter and ditches.

Harkins, 42, will head up Mobile's CitiStat program, an accountability management program that measures city departments' performances by using detailed statistical data.

"We're excited to have Bill Harkins on our team," Jones said. "His analytical abilities, coupled with his military experience are the tools needed to assist city government in implementing this proven successful program."

In addition, the mayor wants to create a timely management tool to address citizen's complaints.

"It is vitally important for city government to communicate and address citizen's concerns in an efficient and timely manner," Jones said. "After all, accountability is our role in city government. Citizens want us to be good stewards over their tax dollars."

Jones, along with a team of city staffers recently traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, to review Mayor Martin O'Malley's CitiStat program which is modeled after New York City's CompStat program.

"Our mission for Mobile CitiStat is to ensure a greater level of accountability and efficiency in the management and delivery of city services," said Harkins.

Harkins salary as CitiStat coordinator is $65,000.

From 2003-2006, Harkins served as the Provost Marshal Chief of Police at the Marine Corps Base in Camp Pendleton, California. He has also served as the Provost Marshal for the Marine's logistic base in Albany, Georgia.

In these military roles, Harkins was responsible for tracking and analyzing data related to the base police departments spending practices, civilian partnerships and educational components. Harkins honed his analytical abilities over the years in a variety of areas. This included the development of the best use of a multi million dollar budget for fighting terrorism in the Far East. He also used statistical data to determine the wisest application for limited manpower and resources in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, when leading a team of US personnel in supporting the local government's move toward legitimacy.

He has learned through years of public service that integrity, teamwork and focus on the customer are the keys for success.

Harkins is a 1981 graduate of Davidson High School. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of South Alabama and a master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma.

His awards include the Bronze Star, four Meritorious Service Medals, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the Humanitarian Service Medal. He and his wife Maria, are the parents of one daughter, Savannah.