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Mayor Michael Dow's Budget Veto Message

Sep 16th, 2003

Mayor Michael Dow's Budget Veto Message
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

After careful consideration and consultation, I have determined that the Budget cuts proposed and agreed to by the City Council, last Tuesday, are unacceptable, transparent and would hurt our city.

Some of the cuts would not save the amount of money intended in the cuts —IN FACT--they would COST the city money and disrupt many city services. Some are so dangerous that we would find ourselves in breach of contract; while others target our disabled community.

I cannot and I will not stand by and let this happen to our city.

Here are some examples of the list of amendments proposed by council last week that are disruptive, problematic or flawed:

  • Our Public Services Department will be forced to shut down city pools. We will either have to eliminate all programs for visually and hearing impaired and physically disabled youth in our Special Activities Department---or eliminate the after school and summer programs for the mentally and physically disabled youth. How can we target this segment of our population?

  • Our Finance Department will not have enough money to send out 4th quarter tax forms. What happens to our revenues?
    We won’t be able to buy blank check stock for payroll and other checks written by the city; or buy printing supplies such as ink cartridges for printing checks.
    And we won’t be able to buy preprinted purchase order forms if office supplies are cut.
    How can a city run like this?

  • Municipal Court should not be part of your cuts at all, since it is part of Public Safety. What you did was reduce the staff in Municipal Court by four people. What impact do you think will occur on our 500-officer police department? And on hundreds of crime victims when scores of criminal and domestic violence cases back up because the administrative functions of the court have been seriously eroded?

  • We are bending over backward to welcome business and development to Mobile. What do you think the response and impact will be to realtors, homebuilders and business prospects when we shut down our Urban Development office in West Mobile? What do you think the response and impact will be when we can’t provide an inspection before 24 hours; or do a plan review in less than 10 days? These are services our Urban Development Department provides—that these cuts will no longer all

  • Our MIS Department will be forced to close the Action Center on nights and weekends. We began this service to assist in after hour emergencies and requests. Crimestopper calls will now have to be directed to the Police Department. Think about how that will slow the system—and how results will change.

  • The Public Works Department will be in breach of contract with the Friends of Magnolia Cemetery to maintain this historic cemetery.
    And, the city will not be able to provide something as fundamental as continuing our termite bonds.

  • Our City Clerk points out that the cuts listed for Council include the City Council members own salaries—
    And the operational cuts taking supplies and personnel from her already understaffed and underfunded department, would prevent her from being able to put out notices of ordinances that are required to be published.

  • And if we make the requested $714,180 cuts to our Metro Transit, $125,000 is a cut to capital which will result in a $379,300 loss of Federal Funds. Of the remaining $589,180 being requested to be cut, only $235,672 (40%) is a city cost. The remaining money requested to be cut, $164,970 (28%) is farebox revenue. The remaining $188,538 (32%) is FTA funding that we lose. We would also have to cut off the disabled services for that area.

  • For these reasons, and many others, I have no choice but to veto the amended budget. This is not a decision I make lightly. This is the first time in my 14 years as Mayor of Mobile that it has been necessary for me to veto any action of the City Council and I do so reluctantly. My staff and I will continue working from last year’s budget until this issue is resolved.

    My staff and I will work with you to accomplish our goals without placing the city in default of its required obligations or disrupting the lives of our citizens or our hardworking city employees.

    Working together with the City Council, my staff and I will be reaching out to the moderating forces of the council to join me as we seek an immediate resolution to this temporary impasse.

    We cannot-- and we should not-- remain in a stalemate. Our citizens are demanding better of us.

    Commit to join me at this moment to bring forth a budget that will keep the city strong, progressive, and functional.