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Mayor Jones Welcomes Delegation After Trip to Pyeongtaek City, South Korea

Feb 26th, 2013

Last year, Mayor Jones sent a letter to the mayor of Pyeongtaek City, South Korea, with the intent to renew the sister city relationship that we now share. It has been dormant for some time, but it once flourished, and could again while bringing excellent cultural learning experiences.

In conjunction with the letter, a group of Mobile citizens from the Rotary International District 6880 Group Study Exchange made a trip to meet with Mayor Kim Sun-Ki of Pyeongtaek City. During their time there, the GSE Team fulfilled its ambassadorial role to reinvigorate the sisterhood relationship between Mobile and Pyeongtaek City.

At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 26, 2013, the leader of the group, Sujin Kim, gave a report of their trip, and presented Mayor Jones with a gift from the mayor of Pyeongtaek City.

Mobile and Pyeongtaek City share many things in common. We both have bustling, international ports. We are both homes to major economic hubs with various industries, and we offer many cultural activities.

The Sister City relationship was fostered by Dr. Semoon Chang, one of our most esteemed professors at the University of South Alabama.