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Mayor Jones Recognizes No Text On Board Day

Sep 18th, 2012

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones presented a proclamation for No Text On Board Day to the Mobile County Public School System Superintendant’s Youth Advisory Committee. The committee has teamed up with AT&T to help put an end to texting while driving. Although it is not illegal in Alabama, the problem remains.

Below is the text for the proclamation:

WHEREAS, The City of Mobile holds the health and safety of its young adults as a chief concern; and

WHEREAS, Text messaging is the main mode of communication for most American teenagers, with half of all teens sending between 21 and 70 texts a day; and

WHEREAS, 90% of American teenagers expect a reply to a text message within five minutes; and

WHEREAS, Texting takes one’s eyes off the road for an average of five seconds; and

WHEREAS, In an AT&T survey, 43% of American teenage drivers admitted to texting while driving, even though 97% know it is dangerous; and

WHEREAS, A Virginia Tech study showed those who send text messages while driving are 23 times more likely to crash; and

WHEREAS, A driver who sends a text message while driving jeopardizes not only his or her safety, but also the safety of passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers; now therefore let it be

RESOLVED, That I, Samuel L. Jones, Mayor of the City of Mobile, along with the Mobile City Council, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, September 19, 2012 as


in the City of Mobile.