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Mayor Jones Leads Workshop at National Meeting

Jun 10th, 2006

Mayor Sam Jones led a workshop concerning eminent domain at the United States Conference of Mayor’s Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. In the workshop, entitled “Using Eminent Domain to Promote Economic Development in the Post Kelo Era,” panelists discussed how cities are using eminent domain to promote economic development.

Mayor Jones moderated the workshop that also included presentations from Mayor James Brainard of Carmel, Indiana, Mayor Michael Brown of Riviera Beach and Robert Dreher, an adjunct professor at the Georgetown Environmental Law and Policy Institute. The workshop served to update city leaders from around the nation on Congressional and state legislation that would impose severe restrictions on local use, in response to last year’s Supreme Court’s decision in the City of New London v. Kelo.

The United States Conference of Mayors held its 74th Annual Meeting on June 2 – 6, 2006. Other workshops included pandemic flu preparedness, homeland security, and faith-based and community initiatives.