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Mayor Jones Honors SWEET-P Participants

Aug 1st, 2006

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones honored the participants in this year’s SWEET-P workers at a recent city council meeting. SWEET-P stands for Summer Work Employment Experience Training Program. SWEET-P provides students ages 16-21 with basic job skills training that help them develop good work habits so that they will succeed in the workplace.

In addition to this basic classroom training, the students also receive from 7-8 weeks of on-the-job training and work experience. Students must have at least a C average to get into the program, and most are college bound.

The students that worked in city offices in Government Plaza were Gerald Biggs, Diamond Edwards, Alicia Hill, Christopher McMeans, Rajai Sims, Kartriceia Williams, Linda Dillard, Tiffany Williams, Sasha Ross and Tykethia Golden.

Also at the council meeting, Councilwoman Connie Hudson honored the coaches and players of the District 7 Cottage Hill Little League (Mims Park) All Star Baseball Team, who will be representing the State of Alabama during the 2006 Southeast Regional Tournament in St. Petersburg, FL, August 5-11.