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Mayor Jones Goes to Washington to Lobby for Jobs

Dec 7th, 2010

Four members of the Gulf Coast Economy: Ready 4 Takeoff Coalition traveled to the nation’s capital today to meet with U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, who has been tasked with leading the efforts to establish a plan of federal support for the long-term economic and environmental restoration of the Gulf Coast region.
Mobile Mayor Sam Jones (AL), Pensacola Mayor-Elect Ashton Hayward (FL), and Ewell Smith, Executive Director of the Louisiana Seafood and Marketing Board met with Secretary Mabus in a one-on-one meeting at the Pentagon and provided an assessment of the Gulf Coast economy six months post the epic BP oil spill and recommended ways in which the federal government to act to boost local economies in the Gulf.

“Today, Secretary Mabus made clear that he is committed to creating a strong and effective plan that will revitalize the Gulf Coast region, create good-paying jobs for our hard-working families and restore Americans’ confidence in the assets our great region has to provide,” said Pensacola, Florida Mayor-elect Ashton Hayward.

“In my home state of Alabama, we have several projects that could takeoff if the federal government opts to make some much-needed investments,” said Mobile Mayor Sam Jones. “Currently, we have pending federal contracts to build the KC-45 Tanker and to construct Littoral Combat Ships. If awarded the contract, these projects could create tens of thousands of jobs for our region. This is the type of one-two punch we need to get local economies in the Gulf moving again.”

This past fall, the group toured the Gulf Coast through a series of regional town hall meetings. From Bayou La Batre, Alabama to Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana, all the way down to the Florida Panhandle, Ready 4 Takeoff spoke to families, learned their stories, and heard recommendations on how to build a better future for the Gulf Coast.

“The message emerging from all of our town halls was unanimous: the federal government must make it a priority to invest in America’s Gulf Coast and help foster new, good-paying job opportunities,” said Ewell Smith, Executive Director of the Louisiana Seafood and Marketing Board. “Today’s meeting with Secretary Mabus was a welcome opportunity that proved extremely productive. I am confident that if we unite forces, we can and we will turn the economic tide in the Gulf Coast and finally give workers peace of mind with a steady paycheck.”

The Gulf Coast Economy: Ready 4 Takeoff Coalition, has emerged as a leading advocate for the advancement of pro-growth initiatives that will expand local economies and help create and retain good paying jobs throughout the Gulf Coast. To learn more about the goals and efforts of the group visit: