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Mayor Jones Displays Mobile CitiSmart

Feb 28th, 2007

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Mobile Mayor Sam Jones put the new program Mobile CitiSmart on display. Mobile CitiSmart is a computer-based management tracking initiative designed to achieve the level of management accountability and worker efficiency necessary to deliver the best possible services to the citizens of Mobile. The objectives of Mobile CitiSmart include:

  • Ensure accountability, reliability and productivity of City workforce
  • Develop and execute effective strategies and tactics for all delivery systems
  • Accurately gauge the impact and effectiveness of City service delivery
  • Implement any new technologies needed to improve service delivery
  • Maintain consistent follow-up of all City functions
  • Guarantee swift deployment of resources where needed

Based on the original CompStat from the New York Police Department, which evolved into CitiStat in Baltimore, Mobile CitiSmart takes into account worker productivity and shows areas that can be improved.

CitiSmart meetings are held weekly by Coordinator Bill Harkins, who leads the questioning. Seated at the panel are Mayor Jones and senior staffers, Chief of Staff Al Stokes, Administrative/Community Services Executive Director Barbara Drummond, Human Resources Director Leslie Westerberg, Public Services Executive Director John Bell, City Attorney Larry Wettermark, and Finance Director Barbara Malkove. Days before every meeting, each department is required to submit data to the CitiSmart team – which covers the last two weeks' statistics.

Several different areas of information are used to determine a department’s performance in Mobile CitiSmart. First, response to citizens’ Service Request Orders (SRO) is calculated. Mobile CitiSmart also takes into account the personnel numbers, including overtime, vacation time and sick days used by each department’s employees. Using these numbers, Mobile CitiSmart analysts can point out relative strengths and weaknesses. Departments come back for follow-up briefings so that improvements and effectiveness can me measured.

Mobile CitiSmart uses Mobile 311 for much of its data tracking. Mobile 311 is the fastest way for citizens to reach city hall to obtain timely and efficient action on such service requests as fixing potholes, reporting overgrown lots, abandoned vehicles and stray dogs, clearing drainage problems and much more. All non-emergency service requests go through Mobile 311 and are assigned a Service Request Order (SRO). Mobile CitiSmart establishes response time requirements for these SRO. Here’s an example: Within 48 hours of a citizen’s call to report a pothole, a City of Mobile Public Works employee is required to take action. For all SRO, the City of Mobile is to have investigated the problem within 72 hours. This means that the situation must be assessed and reported back to Mobile 311 so that citizens can follow up on their SRO.

When city government is more accountable and productive, everyone benefits. The accountability that Mobile CitiSmart provides allows city departments to work more efficiently and effectively. This provides quicker response to SRO from citizens and saves taxpayers money. The rise in productivity has already shown the benefits that Mobile CitiSmart has created. Productivity has increased in almost every measured statistic throughout city departments.

To watch an actual CitiSmart briefing, click the link at the top of this article.