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Mayor Jones Comments on Partial Tanker Rebidding

Jul 9th, 2008

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones made the following remarks after Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced the partial rebidding of the Air Force refueling tanker project:

“Secretary Gates’ decision to partially reopen the refueling tanker project does the best job of addressing what matters to Americans. We want to know that we get the better aircraft with a process that is accountable.

“Of all the options on the table, the process that Secretary Gates has selected is the most encouraging for us. Awarding the contract to Northrop Grumman might not have been politically possible, but a total rebidding of the contract would be an unnecessary delay that needs to get started as soon as possible.

“By going through the process of a partial rebid, we can focus on the merits of the airplanes in this competition. We are very optimistic. We have the tanker that is ready to go right now. We won the original contract and we feel great going forward.”