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Mayor Jones Announces Aid for Area Affected by Gustav

Sep 3rd, 2008

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones announced that crews from the City’s Fire-Rescue and Urban Development Departments will be deployed to the Baton Rouge, Louisiana-area today in an effort to help their citizens that were hit by Hurricane Gustav. The crews will leave from Central Fire Station (701 St. Francis St.) today at noon.

The Fire-Rescue Department will be transporting water, generators and other essentials for relief after a hurricane. Urban Development will send a crew of four people from the Urban Forestry division with chainsaws, a bucket truck and other tools for clearing trees that have fallen into streets.

“We spoke with city officials in Baton Rouge, and this is what they said they needed,” said Mayor Jones. “We are happy to help. You never know when you are going to need this kind of help yourself. We feel it is our duty to contribute.”