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Leadership Change in Mobile Fire-Rescue Department - Statement from Mayor Stimpson

Sep 8th, 2014

Over the last year, I have been working hard to build my executive team to ensure my administration is offering the best leadership possible over the core functions of the City of Mobile - public safety, public works, city finance, strategic planning and economic development.

In public safety, one area in question has been the leadership at the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department. Back in October, I announced my nomination of Randy Smith as Fire-Rescue Chief. Upon taking office, I named Randy the Interim Chief.

Since November, we have worked to address the transformational opportunities within the MFRD -- operationally, functionally, financially and personnel-wise. We are now at a crossroads where I need to make a personnel decision so that we can continue to move the City forward under the vision I've cast - to become the safest, most business and family-friendly city in America by 2020.

In the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department, the leadership and progress has not met my expectations. We need to be doing better for our citizens. Therefore, effective immediately, I am rescinding my appointment of Randy Smith as the Interim Fire-Rescue Chief.

Assistant Chief Billy Pappas, as the highest ranking officer in the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department, will assume command of the department until I direct further. Randy will continue as a Deputy Chief within the department.

I have great respect for Randy Smith. I value his steadfast service to the City of Mobile for over three decades. Out of respect for his good name and character, I have nothing more to convey to the public about this difficult decision. As the appointing authority for the City of Mobile, this is my decision and I have chosen to move in a different direction.

Upon his hiring, I charged Executive Director of Public Safety, Rich Landolt with helping both Police and Fire-Rescue realize their departments' transformational goals. I share in his conclusion that we need to reconfigure the leadership structure in the Fire-Rescue Department.

I have asked Executive Director Landolt to provide me with options for the leadership structure -- and to identify exceptional candidates for those positions.

At the end of the day, my goal is to deliver results for all Mobilians. I want to ensure city government is doing what it is required to do -- fixing what is broken -- and always looking to open the doors of prosperity and progress for generations to come. I remain steadfast in this commitment and am thankful for the opportunity to be the Mayor of this great city.