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Jul 15th, 2019

Posted in: Public NoticeHistoric Development

This serves as Notice for the Following Properties:


1.    2019-23-CA:  661 Dauphin Street (Held over from June 26th at the request of the applicant)

a.  Applicant:  Mr. Jim Walker on behalf of Dauphin Management, LLC
b.  Project: Addition Related: Construct gallery on front façade.

2.   2019-24-CA: 602 Church Street (Held over from June 26th at the request of the applicant)

a.  Applicant: Mr. Jim Walker on behalf of James and Woodrow Walker
b.  Project:  Ancillary Related: Construct ancillary building.

3.  2019-25-CA: 169 Dauphin Street (Held over)

a.  Applicant:   Mr. Davis McPhillips of Dale Incorporated on behalf of Landmark Square, LLC
b. Project:  Fenestration Related: Related: Replace existing wooden windows to custom aluminum clad windows.

4.  2019-26-CA:  1673 Government Street 

a.  Applicant: Mr. Robert Dueitt of Robert Dueitt Construction
b.  Project: Construction Related: Construct rear addition.

5.  2019-26-CA: 352 S. Broad Street 

a. Applicant: Mr. Douglas B. Kearley of DBK, Inc. on behalf of Mr. DeMarkus Burroughs Boykin, Sr.
b. Project:  Rehabilitation, Addition and Fenestration Related: Repair/replace to match in kind; Relocate existing front door opening; construct rear addition and garage. 

6. 2019-27-CA:  1310 Azalea Street  

a.  Applicant:  Mr. Clark Robenstine and Mr. Tony Matthews

b. Project: Fenestration Related: Remove wood windows and replace with double paned wooden windows to match in dimension, profile and configuration.

7.  2019-28-CA: 113 Monroe Street  

a. Applicant: Mr. Larry Posner on behalf of Fort Conde Restoration Venture
b. Project: Fenestration Related: Repair selected windows. Replace other windows  on a non-contributing multi-use building from existing wood to double paned aluminum clad. Install doors in existing window openings.

For more information please contact the Build Mobile: Mobile Historic Development at 251-208-7960.