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FYI Mobile - June 22, 2007

Jun 22nd, 2007

FYI Mobile


FYI Mobile

Mobile City Government Working For You

June 22, 2007


In this issue

-- Bonjour! Mayor, Council Members Busy in France

-- Henry Aaron Loop Sweep Results in Dozens of Violations, Tickets

-- Mayor Jones Kicks Off Maritime Museum Capital Campaign

-- Morningside Gets New Sign from Anonymous Donor
-- Regional Business Resource Fair Scheduled
-- City Workers Show Support for United Cerebral Palsy
-- Announcements...


It has been my pleasure to be a part of the team
representing Mobile, Alabama on our trip to Paris,
France. Our place in the global marketplace
continues to get bigger and bigger. By attending
major air shows like this, our jobs continue to grow as
well. I hope you will read on to learn more about our
trip "across the pond," and many other great things
going on in Mobile.


Samuel L. Jones

Bonjour! Mayor, Council Members Busy in France

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones, City Council Members
Clinton Johnson, Fred Richardson, Connie Hudson
and William Carroll are in France for the world famous
Paris Air Show. The event is a chance for Mobile's
delegation to further establish our city as a key player
in international aerospace industry. The relationship
between Mobile and EADS started at the air show a
few years ago. Northrop-Grumman, along with EADS
is bidding to bring thousands of jobs if it wins a tanker
contract with the United States Air Force.

"Mobile's place in the global market is expanding each
time we make an appearance here," says Mayor
Jones. "We have a strong team of delegates here
representing Mobile, Alabama, and the entire United

The KC-30, the airplane that would be built here in
Mobile, is a big hit at the air show.

Henry Aaron Loop Sweep Results in Dozens of Violations, Tickets

Mayor Sam Jones's initiative of an inspection sweep
throughout the Henry Aaron Loop resulted in a total of
64 violators being cited. Inspectors from the City's
Urban Development, Fire-Rescue and Historic
Development Departments checked for various
building and land use code violations.

"We are putting an end to dilapidated buildings,
overgrown weeds and other nuisances," said Mayor
Jones. "This is the first step in taking action against
the blighted and neglected buildings in the heart of our

Offenders were given 10 days to fix the problem. Of the
64 total Notices of Violation (NOV) given, 44 were fixed.
The remaining violators were given Municipal Offense
Tickets (MOTs). Mayor Jones has targeted the St.
Stephens Road area from Spring Hill Avenue to Craft
Highway as the site of the next sweep. Businesses
along that corridor will be inspected for similar

Mayor Jones Kicks Off Maritime Museum Capital Campaign

Mayor Jones, along with members of the Mobile City
Council, Chairman of the Board E.B. Peebles, III,
Campaign Chairman Lee Moncrief and Executive
Director Anthony Zodrow, kicked off the Capital
Campaign for the National Maritime Museum of the
Gulf of Mexico. The goal of the campaign is to raise
$10,000,000 to construct the museum. It was
announced that more than $6,000,000 has already
been raised toward that goal.

"Mobile's maritime history is unmatched along the Gulf
Coast and throughout the United States," said Mayor
Jones. "This museum is yet another centerpiece in
downtown Mobile. As we grow in citizens, we must
also grow in ventures such as this. I am so proud of
what is in store for this museum."

Projected to open in 2009, the National Maritime
Museum of the Gulf of Mexico will become the premier
maritime museum on the Gulf Coast, dedicated to
inspiring its visitors to understand and appreciate the
area's rich maritime heritage.

Morningside Gets New Sign from Anonymous Donor

After vandals destroyed the Morningside community's
neighborhood sign, an anonymous donor came to
their rescue with a $1,500 sign for the community
which is located off Navco Road and Halls Mill Road.
This same anonymous benefactor has been
spreading good deeds such as this throughout Mobile
for years. While his identity remains a mystery, the
effects of his generosity can be easily seen.

Pictured are Morningside Community Action Group
President Louise Padgett, Morningside citizen Mosel
Rogers, Sr. and District Four City Councilman John
Williams along with the new sign.

Regional Business Resource Fair Scheduled

On Thursday, July 12, the Alabama Development
Office-Office of Small Business Advocacy, in
conjunction with the City of Mobile, Mobile Area
Chamber of Commerce and Mobile Works, will host a
Regional Business Resource and Procurement Fair.
The Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the USA
Brookley Conference Center, 254 Old Bay Front Dr.. Business owners and
entrepreneurs from Mobile, Baldwin, Washington and
surrounding counties are invited to attend this event at
no cost.

The Regional Business Resource Fair will offer
business owners and entrepreneurs assistance in
finance, procurement, marketing, management and
technical assistance and give them an opportunity to
connect with federal, state and local government
agencies. "Our office is determined to help start,
support and sustain our small businesses as strategy
to help grow our local and state economies," said
Neal Wade, director of the Alabama Development

City Workers Show Support for United Cerebral Palsy

City of Mobile employees wore their support for United
Cerebral Palsy on their backs with UCP Casual Day
on Friday, June 15. UCP has been serving the Mobile
Community for 60 years. They are able to provide
services to people with disabilities through speech,
physical, and occupational therapy, preschool
classes, respite, advocacy, summer camp and other
services. The people that they touch range in age from
infants to adults.


Mobile City Councilman Fred Richardson has
announced a District One, Beats 32 & 35 Community
Meeting for Thursday, June 28, 2007 at the Mobile
Infirmary Hearin-Chandler Auditorium starting at 7:00

Several city department heads will be in
attendance to discuss a variety of things going on in
Mobile. The meeting will also focus on the role Mobile
311 plays in the community, preparing for the
hurricane season and neighborhood issues.
Everyone living in the area is invited to attend.

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