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Henry Aaron Loop Sweep Results in Dozens of Violations, Tickets

Jun 7th, 2007

Mayor Sam Jones’s initiative of an inspection sweep throughout the Henry Aaron Loop resulted in a total of 64 violators being cited. Inspectors from the City’s Urban Development, Fire-Rescue and Historic Development Departments checked out for various building and land use code violations.

“We are putting an end to dilapidated buildings, overgrown weeds and other nuisances,” said Mayor Jones. “This is the first step in taking action against the blighted and uncared for buildings in the heart of our city.”

Offenders were given 10 days to fix the problem. Of the 64 total Notices of Violation (NOV) given, 44 were fixed. The remaining violators were given Municipal Offense Tickets (MOTs). A breakdown of the offenses is attached to this release. The codes that were inspected include:

• Chapter 44 – Historic Development, Section 44-83 (Maintenance of Properties Penalty Violation);
• Chapter 25 – Litter Ordinance, Section 25-31 through 25-49;
• Chapter 28 – Property Maintenance Code, Section 28-41 (International Property Maintenance Code);
• Chapter 11 – Nuisance Abatement Code, Section 11-81 through 11-91;
• Fire Code for the City of Mobile.

Mayor Jones has targeted the St. Stephens Road area from Spring Hill Avenue to Craft Highway as the site of the next sweep. Businesses along that corridor will be inspected for similar offenses.

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