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Jun 13th, 2003

Mobile Mayor Mike Dow wants to try again to convert the city's gross receipts tax to a true sales tax and at the same time convert the city's twice per week garbage pick-up to an automated once per week pick up service.

One week after three council members abstained from voting, thereby killing the tax proposal and its garbage companion-Mayor Dow says he wants to bring the issue back before the council. Members Ben Brooks, Connie Hudson and Stephen Nodine say they favor both the tax proposal and switching to an automated system of garbage pick up. But, they weren't sold the administration's plan for the once per week plan for garbage pick up or phase in plan.

In a letter Mayor Dow promised to put both issues back before the council and he said he will meet with council members to resolve any questions. The administration is reviewing how to implement the garbage proposal in the most efficient way while taking into consideration council members' concerns.

The issue is slated to go back before the council June 24.