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FACT SHEET: City of Mobile Presents the 2018 Capital Improvement Plan

Apr 25th, 2017

"The Capital Improvement Plan has enabled us to attack the estimated $250 million backlog of infrastructure projects and position Mobile for a new era of growth and a higher quality of life. Our commitment remains that we will listen to our citizens as we identify projects and that we will be transparent with every dollar we spend. The City Council and I hear every day how much our citizens appreciate the improvements in our sidewalks, streets and parks. I am proud of our progress but there's still a lot of work to do. As we move forward with the 2018 CIP, please know that we welcome citizen engagement as we build a better future for our city. Mobile is undergoing a transformation, and the best is still yet to come." -- Mayor Stimpson

City Action:
The Mobile City Council unanimously approved the 2018 Capital Improvement Plan during Tuesday's regular Council meeting. Moving forward, the Administration is extending its planning horizon from a one-year view to a 5 to 10 year view – a best practice learned from other cities with successful capital programs. For the 2019 – 2024 planning period, the City will be developing a citywide "Program of Projects" in several major categories such as Traffic and Congestion Management, Roadway Reconstruction and Resurfacing, Stormwater and Drainage and Parks and Greenways. The work will continue to touch every area of Mobile, but the longer term view will allow for better alignment with partners such as Mobile County, so the City can leverage the CIP with their Pay as You Go program, or with the potential RESTORE money that will be released to this area for specific projects and programs.

Citywide Streets Assessment
  • Completes a citywide roadway condition assessment.
  • Prioritizes repairs based on current road condition.
  • Develops predictable resurfacing cycles based on level of use.

Parks and Youth
  • Addresses critical maintenance and repair needs in parks including drinking fountains, tables, grills, bleachers and athletic fields.
  • Establishes new amenities, including a NFL Play60 playground in Trimmier Park and an outdoor pavilion in James Seals Park.
  • Implements Parks ADA Accessibility Plan.

Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail
  • Continues effort to create a 12 mile multi-model pathway, connecting Langan Park to Downtown Mobile.
  • Leverages additional funding (ex. RESTORE, CDBG, private-sector donations) for trail design and construction.
  • Constructs and expands additional trails such as the Crepe Myrtle Trail.

Government Street Signal System Improvement
  • Partner with the Metropolitan Planning Organization and ALDOT.
  • Improves traffic flow along Government Street from Broad St. to the Bankhead Tunnel.

Reconstruction Designs
  • St. Louis Street
  • Texas Street (Ann St. to Broad St.)
  • Glenwood Street (Airport Blvd. to Old Government St.)

  • Repairs existing sidewalks in addition to installing new sidewalks.
  • Recent and upcoming areas of new sidewalk installation include:
    • Michael Blvd. (completed)
    • McGregor Ave. (under construction)
    • Navco Rd. (design work to begin in 2018)

Snapshot of 2016-2018 Capital Improvement Program:
  • Roadway Resurfacing, Striping and Reconstruction - $14,934,118
  • Stormwater Management and Drainage Projects - $13,374,000
  • Parks and Recreation Facility Repairs and Improvements - $12,590,728
  • Sidewalk Repair and New Installations - $5,086,071
  • Traffic and Signal System Improvements - $5,304,061
  • Facility Repairs and Improvements - $4,893,001
  • Assessments, Program Management, and Contingencies - $4,543,021
  • MAWSS Joint Projects - $1,350,000
  • Bridge, Culvert, and Guardrail Repair - $925,000