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Enforcing the City's Maintenance Ordinance

Aug 27th, 2003

Ten property owners in the city’s historic district will soon find a $100.00 ticket in their mail box for not complying with the City of Mobile's minimum maintenance ordinance.

The ordinance dates back to December 2001-but the city has only recently started enforcing the law. Staff from the Mobile Fire Department, Urban Development Department and the Mobile Historic Development Commission surveyed Lower Dauphin Street Commercial District in the spring and noted problems and violations on 16 buildings. Problems included everything from broken windows to collapsed roofs. Owners of these buildings received letters from the city May 1, 2003 detailing the problems and were advised to begin making repairs immediately. They were given a June 1, 2003 deadline.

Some property owners still haven't complied. The City's inspectors surveyed the Lower Dauphin Street area again and now the city is sending $100.00 tickets. But that may not be all the cost the delinquent property owners will incur. Add to the ticket price another $112.00-$136.00 for court costs.

Property owners who receive the tickets can opt to pay the ticket and make the necessary repairs; go to court and fight the ticket; pay the ticket; or not do the work which will result in another ticket being issued. Tickets are all individualized according to the property. However, all property owners who receive the tickets will have a court date scheduled for Sept. 8, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in Municipal court.