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District 6 - State of the District

Mar 28th, 2005


Connie Hudson

Challenges and Accomplishments

Located in the Southwestern corner of Mobile, City Council District 6 represents the most highly populated and fastest growing area of the City. This burgeoning Westward area expansion is encumbered by current City budget appropriations that challenge the City's resources and ability to address basic infrastructure maintenance and improvement, public services, public safety, and recreational needs within District 6.

Despite these challenges, District 6 has realized a number of significant accomplishments over the past three and a half years that will have a sustained positive impact on quality of life and property values for its citizens.

Street resurfacing continues to be a capital improvement priority. Since 2001, more than $1.9 million dollars has been spent to resurface District 6 streets as well as parking lots at Mims Park and the Medal of Honor Park playground. Collaborative planning with the Mobile County Commission in the County's 2005 Pay-As-You-Go Road program has resulted in an unprecedented $3.9 million allocation to District 6 for additional neighborhood street resurfacing (to commence in April 2005) and the widening and improvement of Cody Road between Airport Blvd. and Cottage Hill Road.

The widening of Hillcrest Road (South of Cottage Hill Rd.) has provided tremendous benefit to traffic flow in the heavily populated Hillcrest Rd. corridor area. The project was managed and primarily funded (80%) by the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) through its Municipal Planning Organization program. ALDOT is also managing the widening and improvement of Hillcrest Road north of Airport Blvd. to Cody Road. That project is currently in the right-of-way acquisition process, with a contract letting date tentatively scheduled for august 2005.

The redesigned entrance to Medal of Honor Park at Hillcrest Road has greatly improved ingress and egress traffic safety. In 2003, a new restroom facility was constructed adjacent to the Medal of Honor Park playground area.

Traffic signals and traffic calming devices have been installed, or are soon planned for installation at many intersections and neighborhoods in District 6. And the Panorama Drainage Improvement Project Phases I and II have been completed, and Phase III is currently under design.

The West Regional Library opened in November 2002. The 59,000 square foot facility continues to be a proud example of a community asset that is well utilized by citizens throughout the entire Mobile Metropolitan area.

A new West Mobile Senior and Therapeutic Center is tentatively planned to open in August of 2006. It will provide recreational and wellness opportunities for senior and physically challenged individuals throughout the community. Currently the project is undergoing architectural redesign work to reduce construction costs; groundbreaking is anticipated for August 2005. Funding for the project will be provided through federal Community Block Grand funds (CDBG) for a HUD $2.86 million dollar Section 108 loan. When complete, the Center will include a fell-service kitchen and dining facility, recreational rooms for games and activities, billiards, computers, dance, exercise and fitness, and a heated exercise therapy pool.

We are proud that we can continue to beautify our district. A $20,000 Keep Mobile Beautiful grant awarded to District 6 in 2004 provided for purchasing and planting trees in street medians along Hillcrest and Grelot Roads. And, the Hillcrest entrance median to Medal of Honor Park received a new park entry sign and landscaping

The goal for the future is to expand this list of accomplishments with objectives that will improve customer service and safety to District 6 residents. Objective highlights include advocacy for: improved public safety with additional public safety personnel and a reduction in Police and Fire Rescue emergency response times, additional capital improvement resources to address drainage problems, continued neighborhood street resurfacing and road improvements, and continued expansion of the City's recreational and community development services.