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District 4 - State of the District

Mar 28th, 2005


Ben Brooks

You Don't Have to Imagine

Imagine what the future goals for District 4 could be. We already celebrate the blessings of our area and its people. We are the home to Dog River, and Hank Aaron/Baybears Stadium, and to lifestyles varying from waterfront homes, to suburban residences, to friendly older neighborhoods. Our citizens and neighborhood groups are active and involved in planning for the District.

In fact our goals are not just for our imagination-these things are happening. It is exciting to note that by the Summer of 2005, District 4 will have enjoyed over $2,000,000 worth of road resurfacing since October 2001. Included was the $564,000 resurfacing of Halls Mill Road in 2002 along its entire length all the way to the city limits in the southwest. This year the District will see an unprecedented coordination with the County Commission as the County will pave over $600,000 in roads in District 4 alone as a part of its “Pay As You Go” program.

By the Summer, the District will have seen over $500,000 in park upgrades since October 2001. Improvements include a.) Crestview Park-walking trail, sign, playground, volleyball court, repaired facilities, resurfaced tennis courts; b.) Pfc. Howard Johnson II Park-memorial renaming, sign, pavilion/water fountains, playground, walking trail (in progress): c.) Luscher Park-paved boat ramp parking, new bleachers, sign, fence, concession stand addition (in progress); d.) Maitre Park-pressbox, field lighting, sign, repaved parking lot; e.) Laun Park-walking trail (in progress), playground (planned); f.) Demetropolis Park-walking trail, new playground, resurfaced tennis courts; g.) Newhouse Park-walking trail, playground, restored pavilion, sign; h.) Skyland Park-walking trail, playground, gazebo (planned); and i.) Trimmier Park-walking trail, pavilion, pressbox, repaved parking lot. There's more to come for our parks.

It is also exciting that District 4 has successfully advocated its regular inclusion in the distribution of Federal Block Grant funds for the first time in the history of the Mayor-Council structure. This has meant hundreds of thousands of dollars in improvements for neighborhoods and individuals that meet the "low to moderate income" definition. With these monies District 4 has paved roads, completed park upgrades, contributed to a non-profit food cooperative, and contributed to our schools (i.e. Morningside Elementary now has a computer lab largely paid for with Block Grant Funds). Morningside, South Brookley and Kate Shepard Elementary Schools now all are included on the Block Grant list. The use of Block Grant funds has also been expanded—for instance, a part of the remodeling of the Downtown Mobile Public Library will be paid for with Block Grant Funds.

The District has also seen many quality of life improvements. We were privileged to honor the Howard Johnson family by renaming a District park in honor of District 4 resident and hero Pfc. Howard Johnson II. The "Hiway Host" has been removed from Highway 90. Certain neighborhoods in District 4 will be sharing the lead in a pilot recycling program. Plans are underway to acquire land in the historic Lloyd's Station Community to establish a park. Plans are also in place to replace a bridge between the Lloyd's Station Community and the Riviere du Chien neighborhood. A specialized Dog River Response/Rescue Fireboat Location has been established for the Mobile Fire Department. A filter device (on a test basis) is being planned for a tributary of Dog River. Demetropolis Road was recently landscaped with the planting of trees. The historic Ebenezer Community was recognized with the honorary designation of a portion of old Demetropolis Road as Ebenezer Boulevard.

On a city-wide basis, the District leadership has successfully advocated tax and budget reforms to promote growth in the Mobile economy. The District leadership will continue to advocate a reduction in the sales tax rate and restoration of a capital budget as foundations for sustained economic growth in the future. We have also supported economic incentive packages for job creation.

In District 4 we don't have to imagine only what might be. We can be proud of what has in fact been done and together we will pursue the things we imagine are yet possible.