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District 3 - State of the District

Mar 28th, 2005


Clinton Johnson

Improving the Quality of Life

Since 1985, I have been blessed by the citizens of District 3 to serve as their Council Representative. Through these many years, much has been accomplished and tremendous progress has been realized.

Among the many achievements realized, I am most proud of the Franklin Health Clinic and the Clinton L. Johnson Center for Economic Development.

For a long time, the Maysville community did not have a physician available to meet their needs in the community. Through funding this program with Community Development Block Grant money, we now have at least 12 different medical specialties to treat the elderly and sick of this community and to assist folks to access the services within walking distance.

In addition, the Clinton L. Johnson Center for Economic Development has resulted in a number of young people acquiring work and improving educational and job skills. Opportunities are available for entrepreneurial development and economic growth-- both programs that elevate the quality of life for citizens in the city of Mobile and enhances their opportunity for financial success.

One of our many challenges is the illegal dumping and litter that plagues our neighborhoods. I pledge to work with the Administration and my fellow Council members to put a stop to this destructive activity. A plan is being designed now to hire more inspectors and enforcement officials to rid the city of this blight. I ask your help to make this new initiative work.

We all deserve to live in clean, safe neighborhoods, in a city where medical care is accessible and affordable; where our young people can find good jobs; and where people who dream of becoming business owners can have those dreams fulfilled. Working together we can make it happen.