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Cuts In Spending Since The Economic Downturn - 2009 through 2011

Mar 9th, 2012

Preparing For Economic Woes:

The City of Mobile faces a $29 million budget shortfall next year as a result of a downturn in the local and national economy. Since the economy tumbled two years ago, Mayor Sam Jones has cut the operating and personnel spending for each department.

Resulting in:

⇒ $7.4 million in cuts;
⇒ 304 Vacancies in city departments as a result of a hiring freeze;


Even though we have made significant cuts in the operational budgets over the past several years, we have reached the point where further cuts and unfilled positions threaten basic services, they have been offset by the following uncontrollable costs:
♦ Fuel
♦ Pension Contributions
♦ Healthcare Benefits
♦ Parts and Supply Costs
♦ Workman’s Comp Insurance

No New Revenue

If no new revenue source is approved, Mayor Jones has announced that effective April 1 that city departments’ budgets will be cut further. The cuts, many of which cannot be sustained in key departments will result in the following:

♦ A major reduction in overtime monies for both Police and Fire, hampering their ability to perform their jobs effectively;
♦ Possible Fire Stations brown outs;
♦ Longer response times for Police and Fire;
♦ Major infrastructure projects delayed or eliminated;
♦ The closure of 311 on weekends;
♦ Reduction in hours/closure of parks, community and senior centers;
♦ Major delay in tax collections from businesses;
♦ Delay in building permits;
♦ No overtime for city personnel to attend after business hours meetings.

CLICK HERE for a detailed breakdown on specific department cuts.

CLICK HERE for a summary of budget reductions from 2009 - present.

CLICK HERE for a letter from Mayor Jones to the Mobile City Council regarding the budget cuts.